Monday, January 29, 2018

OSHO: Jesus Never Died on the Cross ...

It's amazing how wise a man can look in a dress and a skull cap. 

But just give him a few minutes. I heard someone say, It's better to just sit there and let people think you're all beauty and no brains then to open your mouth and let them know you're all beauty and no brains. This is what happens when you step out from beyond the bounds of the Bible, the inspired word of God and you only believe those things that sound good and right to your own carnal mind.

Proverbs 14:12 reads, "There is a way which seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Listen, you will never know the truth until you resolve within yourself that God alone is truth. 

There are those who say the word of God makes absolutely no sense and that it just doesn't "add up". I'll let you in on a little secret. 

The word of God was never supposed to add up nor was it ever meant to make sense to the carnal mind. The word of God is not a list of do's and don'ts or principles by which we live in order to obtain a blessed and an over-abundant life but the word of God is Spirit and it is life. 

And in order to obtain this substance, this extract if you will, of Spirit and life, you must be able to discern the things which are Spirit and recognize those things which are life. And the only way to do that is to have the Spirit of truth in your everyday life to guide you.

Man's wisdom no matter how wise that may be is nothing in comparison to God's wisdom. The man in this video may look wise to some of you but something he said in the very first couple of minutes makes me to know the truth. I couldn't help but detect an air of scorn in his voice as he made every effort to set every believer straight. 

He made a statement that Jesus "never" died on the cross. Well, that couldn't be more convenient for him to try and kill off the faith of all those from across the terrestrial globe who have put their trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins and our hope for eternal life.

First of all, how could he possibly know that, outside of living during the time of Christ and having been there at the foot of that cross to intermittently check the pulse of the bleeding Lamb of God? 

And because he is not a believer nor does he live by the word of God, his only other recourse is to use the information readily available to  him, and that is, those things that in all logic would "add up" to make his assumptions. And, of course, that is just what he did. And because this man does not believe in the finished work of the cross, this makes him by default, an enemy of the cross.

 His sins are not forgiven for he does not yet believe that Jesus died for his sins on that hill called Calvary.

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