by Rand K Walden
When I see the letters "LGBT" in the colors of the rainbow, I do not get offended for they belong to me for I am a believer. Those colors represent the rainbow which God gave to Noah who was a heterosexual, a believer and a preacher of righteousness. Those colors declare to me as they did to Noah, the faithfulness of God and that He will never go back on his promises. The letters "LGBT" stand for the greatest decree of faith that could ever come out of a believer's mouth, and that is, "Let God Be True! and every man a liar."(Romans 3:4) In other words, it doesn't matter what science says or how many degrees you have behind your name. God's word is final. The greatest slap in the face of God is any other definition.
To the homosexual, "LGBT" means, "If there is a God, He mistakenly put my female spirit inside a man's body or my male spirit inside a woman's body. But the Bible says in Mark 12:25, "When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven." That means the spirit of man or a woman has no gender outside the body but we are as the angels in heaven. I have great respect for those men and women of God who are not married because they have given themselves to Him and the ministry 100%. They recognize their "life choice" as a gift from God. I am telling you, there is no greater devotion to God than that. And I say this because there are those who are supposed to be Christians who have ridiculed different ones in the past for making that choice. But regarding those who would come together with others who are of the same sex, to do those things that are not natural, there is no greater sin in the eyes of God and man.
Quite a few years ago, I had a friend who had some confusion in the area of his identity. We never really talked about it at great length but he told me that he was abused sexually by his uncle when he was very young and this abuse continued throughout his childhood. He dealt with it by losing himself in his studies (he had a very high IQ) and he continued his education and eventually he
earned his doctorate. He was an accomplished musician and he played the piano for the church my dad was pastoring. I was single at the time and I was just starting in the ministry and when I wasn't ministering elsewhere, I helped my father in his church and my friend and I would occasionally go to Denny's for coffee after church and we would talk about the things of God. Soon he gave his life to Christ and he was baptized in the Holy Ghost. It wasn't too long after that, he felt the call of God on his life to be a minister and he began to teach the word of God and he had such a powerful prophetic anointing on his life.
God began to use him in such a wonderful way but after a few years I met Bettie, my future wife and we got married and moved away. A couple of years or so after we left the area, my friend met a young lady and they married but she left him after only a year of marriage. He then started going to a non-denominational church where he became friends with the pastor there who had some strange and not so biblical ideas about the single life and the subject of self-gratification. I remember talking to my friend on the phone about this and he was pretty defensive so we stopped talking about it and it wasn't very long after that, my friend started slipping back into the world from which he came.
He now lives in Seattle, Washington and he teaches at a university there and the last I heard, he was living a homosexual lifestyle. So, forgive me if all this seems to be a little personal or I appear to be less than tolerant. But nowhere in the Bible does it say that I am supposed to be tolerant of sin. We are to love the sinner but hate the sin and we are supposed to flee the very appearance of evil.
Listen, homosexuality is not a life choice and if you are a homosexual, you were not born that way. But if you continue down this path, you will most certainly die that way. Let God be true in your life and come to Jesus just as you are and give him your heart for today is the day of salvation. He can save you and he can heal you and give you a hope and a future if you will only let him. God bless you!