Saturday, October 7, 2017

What about Ghosts?

by Rand K Walden

What about these paranormal investigative shows that have gained so much attention in recent years?

I have been watching shows like Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, and others for a while now and one thing I have taken note of is this: In their pursuit of other world entities, they quite frequently come across things that can only be explained as malevolent. As a minister, I have seen malevolence up close. As a Christian, I acknowledge the spiritual war that has been waged against us who are believers by the rulers, by the authorities and by the powers of this dark world.

Based on my experience but more importantly, on the word of God, I am of the opinion that a lot of what has been called a field of study or experimentation in the unexplained or the paranormal has more to do with the dark side than what the ghost hunters or investigators in the paranormal would like to call "the other side". In short, I believe houses, people, and even objects can have the potential to be possessed, or at the very least, demonized.

I believe many of the encounters where the investigator communicates with a spirit, through an EVP recorder, ghost box, or God forbid, an Ouija board, they are in fact, communicating with a demonic entity who has taken on human form or dialect in order to deceive the paranormal participant. I have no doubt that certain demonic entities can, at times, take on human form. I have no doubt that they can take on the identity of someone Satan may have assigned them to, and who they probably tormented over the years, and they can answer just about any question for you concerning that person's life.

Do I believe in ghosts? Yes. In fact, there's one instance in the Bible where  King Saul consulted with the spirit, or ghost if you will, of the prophet Samuel. And because of that, King Saul lost his throne and, not too long after that, his life. For you see, the Bible strictly forbids consulting with (seeking advice from) the dead. That's not to say I believe everyone who is a ghost hunter or who investigates the paranormal, consults with the dead. However, it can easily be one more step in that direction if you're not careful. As harmless as this seems to the average person, it can be very dangerous. In fact, people can lose their lives.

Remember Mark and Debbie Constantino? They were found dead after they helped to investigate what has been called "The Portal to Hell" Bob Mackey's Tavern in Kentucky. The Authorities called it a murder/suicide but there is no doubt in my mind they took a little extra home with them that night after the investigation.

Others who were there during that same investigation admitted, "there was something there that was truly dark". Listen, you never know what you're going to come up against when you perform these kinds of investigations and there is a strong possibility you may leave an investigation physically or emotionally damaged, demonized or even possessed yourself. Recently I've watched various investigations where Kinect devices were used to hunt for spirits. It amazed me to see these short stick figures appear on the screen, and they would invariably be kicking and beating the investigators all about their bodies. The investigators that were being kicked and beaten could not see these stick figures but they could actually feel the pain where the stick figures were kicking and beating them.

What really amazed me was, how other investigators would say, "Oh yeah, that must be a young boy or girl" ghost. What? This thing is maliciously kicking you and beating you, and you call it a young boy or girl ghost? What you are seeing and experiencing is a harmful interaction with a demonic entity.

Those who are interested in the paranormal, especially those of us who say we are born again, should not trifle with or try to consult with human spirits. Neither should we try to carry on a dialog with a demonic entity. Remember Eve in the garden? But rather, we are told to cast out devils, whether they happen to be attached to a person, place or thing. If you want to talk with something invisible, try talking to your Heavenly Father. It's much more rewarding. Jesus told his disciples, "Go into your room and close the door and pray to your Heavenly Father who is unseen and He will reward you openly." (Matthew 6:6) Let me say this, and you can believe it or not but it's true, "If you are not a born again believer, you have absolutely NO DEFENSE against demonic entities.

On the other hand, born again believers have been given a God given mandate by the Lord Jesus himself to: pull down strongholds, cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and that includes demonic entities. In fact, he said it point blank in Mark, chapter 16, "these signs shall follow them that believe,... they shall cast out devils." So, if you want to pursue ghosts, as it were, I suggest you first pursue the Holy Ghost and come to Jesus. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and let him be the Lord of your life and you can chase all the devils you want. I believe that, however, we must first learn to equip ourselves spiritually before storming the gates of hell and we must know who we are in Christ before we take on the powers of darkness. Listen, God doesn't want you to be ignorant. He doesn't want you to be ignorant of the devil's devices. Jesus said, "The thief has come to steal, to kill and to destroy" (John 10:10). If the devil can't coax you off your altar of sacrifice to God, he will try and mess you up in your doctrine. But thank God, we have the Spirit of truth who will lead us into all truth. And we have this promise from Jesus Christ himself, found in Matthew 16:18. He said, "Upon this rock (our faith) I will build my church and the gates of hell (the powers of darkness) shall not prevail (hold out) against it".

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